Goddess Rising

Goddess Rising
A Goddess School

​Walking the path of the Goddess is a wondrous journey. It isn’t easy, and it is a lifelong walk. It requires setting ego aside and being open to whatever comes your way. It asks us to delve into our inner selves and to confront what lies there with courage. Many of us call this shadow work, and each set of lessons here can be compared to peeling an onion: as you are ready, you peel back the layers, gradually, to discover what’s beneath. There is no judgment here; you are already a beautiful and lovable woman. As you dig deeper, you’ll learn more and more about who you are. It’s not a quick and easy road, but it can be well worth doing. You do not have to walk this path alone; your sisters here at the Order of the White Moon are here to help support you and Goddess walks with you, every step of your journey. This class is a tool to help you along your way. The lessons build on each other. And no one walks the same path. You are unique and your journey is unique to you!
​White Moon Teachings are a curriculum in personal empowerment and priestess training. The course takes approximately two years to complete, but can be completed in as little as 13 months at an intensive pace. The course is eclectic and Goddess-centered, built upon the foundation of the Women's Spirituality Movement as it has evolved over the last 35 years. This training is open to people of all faiths who are seeking to incorporate the Goddess into their existing spirituality. Curriculum includes Goddess studies, ritual, meditation, prayer, magick, healing, divination, dreams, and astral work. One-on-one instruction and interaction with other students is provided. Graduates of this course are eligible to enroll in a public ministry course and to receive ordination through The Order of The White Moon.
It would be my honor and pleasure to walk with you as a mentor through OWM's lessons.
And thou who thinkest to seek Her, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knowest the mystery; that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, then thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold, She has been with thee from the beginning; and She is that which is attained at the end of desire.
From The Charge of the Goddess, by Doreen Valiente
I am High Priestess River, ordained by the Order of the White Moon. Welcome to my site!
I've been on the path of the Goddess for many, many years. I have some years of coven experience, but for the last ten years I've connected as a solitary practitioner.
I am a soapmaker, well versed in preparing healing salves and ointments. I have furthed my studies to include astrology, and how it relates to interpersonal relationships, tarot, shadow work, herbs, and candle magick, to name a few. I am a Reiki healer. I honor all deities, and connect personally with Hekate. I also like to find magick in my own backyard - I think it's very helpful to work with local energy.​​
How to Get Started
High Priestess Training
Each segment of four lessons are available at a cost of $30 per segment. There are four levels and you may take as long as you need to do finish each lesson.
In Level 1, you will learn energy work, spell crafting, and ritual.You will study the required texts and report on what you've studied.
At the end of Level IV, you will be, after initiation, granted the title High Priestess, and my choose to carry this message to others, either through a White Moon school of classes or to work on your own. ​
Elemental Shadow Work
I also offer a course in Elemental Shadow work.
We in Neo-Pagan belief systems recognize the existence of the shadow self. “As above; so below”. The shadow self is as much a part of our psyche as our outer consciousness. Recognizing our shadow, and making peace with it, can be a lifelong pursuit. There are many ways and routes to incorporating this self into our consciousness.
In this series of lessons, we are going to explore the tool of working with the four elements (air, fire, water and earth) to get to know aspects of our shadow selves and discover possible ways to bring into balance certain character traits that we find to be out of balance. It has been noted that a trait perhaps labeled negative, one that impedes our progress toward wholeness, is likely a positive character trait that has become unbalanced.
The cost is $40.
For more information, or if you would like to enroll in the school at Level I, you may contact me at trishcat55@gmail.com.